Information Disclosure Processes

A process of information disclosure is the method through which the company makes its customers investors, customers, and others involved with it aware of relevant information. This article will outline how companies can provide information to increase transparency and create trust with those with whom they do business.

Researchers have focused their study on disclosure processes and the modulating variables that influence their effects, particularly in connection to human-to-human interactions. Researchers have started to investigate the ways in which people provide information to chatbots which mimic human conversations using interactive text. These studies have yielded mixed results, but people seem to be willing to share the same data with chatbots that they would with a human being (Ho and. and. 2019).

A major factor that influences this may be the perceived sensitivity of the data. Many studies have classified types of data according to their perceived sensitiveness, with identifiers that are secure such as passwords and financial account numbers being the most sensitive. Personal “preferences” such as religious or political affiliations, as well as medical history were also considered as sensitive by the participants in these studies.

It is crucial to remember that the examiner will consider any information disclosures filed within three months from the filing date and that comply with the format requirements that are outlined in 37 CFR 1.98. This is regardless of what happened during the examination up to this point, including any violations of the rules on information disclosure.

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